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1. 看看的英文是 "look"。

2. "look" 的读音为 /lʊk/。

3. "look" 是一个动词,意思是 "to direct one's gaze in a particular direction",即 "朝着特定方向看"。


4. 例句1:She looked out the window to see if it was raining.(她向窗外看去,想看看是否下雨。)

例句2:I looked at my watch and realized I was running late.(我看了一下手表,意识到自己已经迟到了。)

例句3:He looked up from his book and smiled at me.(他从书上抬起头,对我微笑。)

例句4:The children looked with curiosity at the strange animal in the zoo.(孩子们好奇地望着动物园里的奇怪动物。)

例句5:I always look both ways before crossing the street.(过马路前我总是左右看一下。)

5. 同义词及用法:

- gaze (v.) /ɡeɪz/ : 注视、凝视

- He gazed longingly at the beautiful sunset.


- stare (v.) /stɛr/ : 盯着看、凝视

- The man stared at me with a menacing look.


- glance (v.) /ɡlæns/ : 一瞥、看一眼

- She glanced at her phone and saw a missed call from her friend.


- peek (v.) /piːk/ : 偷看、窥视

- The children peeked through the keyhole to see what their parents were doing.


- scrutinize (v.) /skruːtənaɪz/ : 仔细审视、详细检查

- The detective scrutinized the evidence to find any clues.


6. 编辑总结:

"look" 是一个非常常用的动词,意思是 "朝着特定方向看"。它可以用来描述人的行为,也可以用来描述物体或景象的外表。除了基本的意思外,它还有很多同义词可以替换,如 gaze、stare、glance、peek 和 scrutinize 等。在使用时需要根据具体语境选择合适的同义词,以丰富语言表达。


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