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1. the most important city or town in a country or region, usually where the government is located.

1. 或地区最重要的城市或镇,通常是所在地。

2. a large letter at the beginning of a sentence or a name.

2. 句首大写字母或名称。

3. wealth in the form of money or property, used to start a business or invest in something.

3. 以现金或财产形式存在的财富,用于创业或投资。

4. the upper part of a column, pillar, or post that supports the weight above it.

4. 支撑其上方重量的柱子、支柱或柱头的上部分。

5. (in architecture) a decorative feature at the of a building or structure.

5. (建筑学中)建筑物或结构顶部的装饰特征。

Synonyms: metropolis, metropole, city, town, chief city



1. Beijing is the capital of China and is also known as "The Forbidden City."

1. 北京是的首都,也被称为“紫禁城”。

2. The word "capital" can also refer to uppercase letters in writing.

2. “Capital”一词也可以指书写中的大写字母。

3. Many entrepreneurs use their personal capital to start their own businesses.

3. 许多企业家使用个人资本来创业。

4. The capital of the column was elaborately carved with intricate designs.

4. 柱子的柱头被精心雕刻成复杂的图案。

5. The capital of the building was adorned with beautiful sculptures.

5. 建筑物的顶部装饰着美丽的雕塑。

Editor's Summary:

As a dictionary editor, it is important to accurately define and explain words in a clear and concise manner. "Capital" has multiple meanings and usage, but its most common definition refers to the most important city or town in a country or region. It can also refer to uppercase letters, wealth used for investment, or architectural features. It is important to provide examples and synonyms to help readers better understand the word and its usage in different contexts.


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