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The meaning of "瘦的用英语怎么读" in English is "How to pronounce '瘦' in English".



The pronunciation of "瘦" is /ʂòu/ in Mandarin Chinese, and it can be transcribed as "shou" in English.


"瘦" is a Chinese character that means thin or slim. It can be used as an adjective to describe someone's physical appearance or as a verb to express the action of becoming thin.


1. 她很瘦,每天都吃很少。

She is very thin and eats very little every day.

2. 我想减肥,所以开始运动,希望能变得更瘦。

I want to lose weight, so I started exercising, hoping to become thinner.

3. 这件衣服太紧了,我穿起来有点儿显得瘦。

This dress is too tight, it makes me look a bit thinner when I wear it.

4. 他的脸看起来比以前更瘦了。

His face looks thinner than before.

5. 她不仅外表瘦了,而且身体也变得更健康了。

Not only has she become thinner, but also her body has become healthier.


1. 纤细 (xiān xì) - slender; used to describe a person's body shape that is thin and delicate.

2. 苗条 (miáo tiáo) - slim; used to describe someone who is thin in a graceful and attractive way.

3. 纤弱 (xiān ruò) - frail; used to describe someone who is thin and weak.

4. 瘦削 (shòu xiāo) - gaunt; used to describe someone who is extremely thin, often due to illness or lack of food.

5. 消瘦 (xiāo shòu) - emaciated; used to describe someone who has become extremely thin due to illness or malnutrition.


In summary, "瘦的用英语怎么读" means "How to pronounce '瘦' in English". It is a Chinese character that can be used as an adjective or verb to describe being thin. There are several synonyms for "瘦" in Chinese, such as 纤细, 苗条, and 瘦削, each with their own nuances and usage. As a language model AI, I hope this article has provided helpful information for you as a dictionary editor and translator.


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