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Electric Power Dispatch and Management Regulations


/ɪˈlɛktrɪk paʊər dɪˈspætʃ ənd ˈmænɪdʒmənt ˌrɛgjʊˈleɪʃənz/




1. 根据《电网调度管理条例》,发电厂必须按照能源和发展规划,合理安排发电计划。

According to the Electric Power Dispatch and Management Regulations, power plants must arrange their generation plans reasonably in accordance with national energy policies and development plans.

2. 为了保障电网安全运行,《电网调度管理条例》要求各地区配备专业的调度人员,并建立健全的应急预案。

In order to ensure the safe operation of the power grid, the Electric Power Dispatch and Management Regulations require each region to have professional dispatchers and establish sound emergency plans.

3. 根据《电网调度管理条例》,电力运行单位应当建立健全的信息交换机制,及时共享运行数据和信息。

According to the Electric Power Dispatch and Management Regulations, power system operating units should establish sound information exchange mechanisms and share operation data and information in a timely manner.

4. 电网调度中心是负责实施《电网调度管理条例》的主要,它负责统筹协调各地区的电力调度工作。

The power grid dispatch center is the main institution responsible for implementing the Electric Power Dispatch and Management Regulations. It is responsible for coordinating the power dispatching work in various regions.

5. 《电网调度管理条例》规定,发生重大事故或者突发时,相关单位必须立即向电网调度中心报告,并按照应急预案采取措施。

According to the Electric Power Dispatch and Management Regulations, in case of major accidents or emergencies, relevant units must report to the power grid dispatch center immediately and take measures according to emergency plans.


1. 电力调度和运行管理规定 (Electric Power System Dispatch and Management Regulations)

2. 电力运行指导方针 (Guidelines for Power System )

3. 电网运行安全管理规程 (Power Grid Safety Management Regulations)




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