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1. joint是名词,指两个或多个物体连接在一起的部分。:There is a loose joint in the chair.(这把椅子有一个松动的连接处。)

2. joint也可以作为形容词,表示共同的或联合的。:They have a joint bank account.(他们有一个联名银行账户。)

3. joint还可以指人体的关节,特别是指肩、膝、肘等大关节。:I injured my knee joint while playing basketball.(我在打篮球时受伤了膝盖关节。)

4. 在医学上,joint也可以指关节炎,即关节发炎。:My grandmother suffers from severe joint pain due to arthritis.(我的奶奶因为关节炎而遭受严重的关节疼痛。)

5. 在机械工程中,joint可以指连接件或接头,用于连接不同的零件或构件。:The joints of this machine need to be regularly oiled for smooth operation.(这台机器的连接件需要定期上油以保证顺畅运行。)

6. 除此之外,joint还可以作为动词使用,意为“连接”、“结合”。:The two countries have agreed to jointly develop new energy technology.(这两个已经同意共同开发新能源技术。)

7. 读音为/dʒɔɪnt/,注意/j/的发音为/dʒ/,与joy的发音相同。


1. joint是名词,读音为/dʒɔɪnt/。

2. joint也可以作为形容词,读音同上。

3. joint还可以指人体的关节,读音同上。

4. 在医学上,joint也可以指关节炎,读音同上。

5. 在机械工程中,joint可以指连接件或接头,读音同上。

6. 作为动词使用时,读音为/dʒɔɪnt/。

7. 注意/j/的发音为/dʒ/,与joy的发音相同。


1. The carpenter used strong joints to build the table, ensuring its stability and durability.(木匠使用坚固的连接件来制作桌子,确保其稳定性和耐用性。)

2. The two companies have formed a joint venture to expand their business in the Asian market.(这两家公司已经成立了一家合资企业来扩大他们在亚洲市场的业务。)

3. My doctor recommended doing some exercises to strengthen my joints and prevent arthritis in the future.(我的医生建议我做一些锻炼来加强我的关节,并预防未来的关节炎。)

4. The joint statement issued by the two leaders emphasized the importance of cooperation in tackling global challenges.(两位发表的联合声明强调了在解决全球挑战中合作的重要性。)

5. The joint efforts of the rescue team and the local volunteers successfully saved all the trapped hikers.(救援队和当地志愿者的共同努力成功地救出了所有被困的徒步者。)


1. joint account(联名账户)

2. joint venture(合资企业)

3. joint pain(关节疼痛)

4. joint statement(联合声明)

5. joint effort(共同努力)

6. joint custody(共同监护权)

7. joint session(联席)

8. joint project(合作项目)

9. joint decision(共同决定)

10. joint ownership(共同所有权)


1. The carpenter used strong joints to build the table, ensuring its stability and durability.


2. The two companies have formed a joint venture to expand their business in the Asian market.


3. My doctor recommended doing some exercises to strengthen my joints and prevent arthritis in the future.


4. The joint statement issued by the two leaders emphasized the importance of cooperation in tackling global challenges.


5. The joint efforts of the rescue team and the local volunteers successfully saved all the trapped hikers.


6. joint account(联名账户)

7. joint venture(合资企业)

8. joint pain(关节疼痛)

9. joint statement(联合声明)

10. joint effort(共同努力)



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