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Application for Moderator, Alliance and Forum Announcements



/ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən fɔr ˈmɒdəreɪtər, əˈlaɪəns ænd ˈfɔːrəm əˈnaʊnsmənts/




1. I have submitted my application for moderator on the forum. (我已经提交了在上担任版主的申请。)

2. The alliance is currently accepting applications from interested members. (该联盟目前正在接受对加入感兴趣的成员的申请。)

3. Please be advised that all forum announcements must be approved by the administrator before being posted. (请注意,在发布之前,所有必须经过管理员批准。)

4. The application process for becoming a moderator is quite competitive. (成为版主的申请流程非常竞争激烈。)

5. The forum has announced that it is looking for new moderators to join the team. (已经宣布正在寻找新的版主加入团队。)


1. Apply for: to make a formal request for something

e.g. She applied for a job at the company.

2. Moderator: someone who leads a discussion or debate

e.g. The moderator of the forum made sure everyone had a chance to speak.

3. Alliance: an agreement between countries, organizations, or people to work together

e.g. The two companies formed an alliance to improve their market share.

4. Forum: an online platform where users can discuss various ics and share information

e.g. I found some helpful tips on the forum for cooking healthy meals.

5. Announcement: a public or official statement about something important

e.g. The company's CEO made a major announcement about their new product launch.




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