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1. 生命在于运动的英文意思:Life is about movement.

2. 怎么读(音标):[laɪf ɪz əˈbaʊt ˈmuːvmənt]

3. 用法:这个短语可以用来强调生活中运动的重要性,也可以用来指出生活中缺乏运动的危害。


4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

- Life is about movement, not stagnation. (生活是关于运动,而不是停滞。)

- Regular exercise is essential for a healthy life, because life is about movement. (定期锻炼对健康的生活至关重要,因为生命在于运动。)

- As we age, it becomes even more important to stay active and keep moving, because life is about movement. (随着年龄增长,保持活跃和保持运动变得更加重要,因为生命在于运动。)

- Don't underestimate the power of movement in improving your physical and mental well-being, after all, life is about movement. (不要低估运动对改善你的身心健康的作用,毕竟生命在于运动。)

- Inactivity can lead to health problems and a decrease in overall quality of life, which just goes to show how much life is about movement. (久坐不动会导致健康问题和整体生活质量下降,这充分说明了生命在于运动的重要性。)

5. 同义词及用法:

- Life is movement. (生命即运动。)

- Motion is life. (动是生命。)

- Activity is essential for life. (活动对生命至关重要。)

- Without movement, there is no life. (没有运动,就没有生命。)

- The key to a healthy life is staying active and keeping your body moving. (健康生活的关键是保持活跃,让身体保持运动。)



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