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1.influence是指某种力量或影响力,能够改变或影响他人的思想、行为或决策。:Her parents had a great influence on her decision to become a doctor.(她的父母对她决定成为一名医生有很大的影响力。)



1)The media has a powerful influence on public opinion.(媒体对公众舆论有强大的影响力。)

2)His speech was full of influence and persuasion.(他的演讲充满了说服力和影响力。)

3)She is easily influenced by her friends.(她很容易受朋友的影响。)

4)The company's success is largely due to the influence of its CEO.(公司的成功很大程度上归功于其CEO的影响力。)

5)The new teacher had a positive influence on her students' learning.(新老师对学生学习产生了积极的影响。)

4.influence读音读法:英 [ˈɪnfluəns] 美 [ˈɪnfluəns]


1)influential (adj.) 有影响力的,有权势的

2)influencer (n.) 影响者,有影响力的人

3)under the influence 受影响,受

4)influentially (adv.) 有影响力地,有权势地

5)influentialism (n.) 影响主义,影响力论


1.influence是什么意思?influence is the power or ability to change or affect someone's thoughts, behavior, or decisions.

2.influence的用法:As a noun, influence can mean "power," "persuasiveness," "control," and other similar meanings. As a verb, it can mean "affect," "control," "persuade," and other similar meanings.


1)媒体对公众舆论有强大的影响力。The media has a powerful influence on public opinion.

2)他的演讲充满了说服力和影响力。His speech was full of influence and persuasion.

3)她很容易受朋友的影响。She is easily influenced by her friends.

4)公司的成功很大程度上归功于其CEO的影响力。The company's success is largely due to the influence of its CEO.

5)新老师对学生学习产生了积极的影响。The new teacher had a positive influence on her students' learning.

7.总结:influence是指某种力量或影响力,能够改变或影响他人的思想、行为或决策。作为名词时,它可以表示“影响力”、“感染力”、“势力”等含义;作为动词时,它可以表示“影响”、“左右”、“感染”等含义。influence的用法多样,常见的搭配有“have an influence on”,“under the influence”,“exert influence on”等。influence也可以衍生出其他形式,如形容词influential、名词influencer等。在日常生活中,我们经常受到各种各样的影响,因此了解和运用好这个词汇是非常重要的。


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