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Yuzhi Narumi means "to place jade and make it real" in English.


Yuzhi Narumi is pronounced as "yoo-zhee nah-roo-mee" in IPA.


Yuzhi Narumi is a Japanese phrase that is used to describe the act of turning something valuable into reality. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts.


1. 我一直梦想着成为一名歌手,现在我终于能够通过我的努力实现这个梦想了,感觉就像是玉置成实了一样。

I have always dreamed of becoming a singer, and now I am finally able to make that dream come true through my hard work. It feels like I have turned my dream into reality.

2. 这部电影真是把小说中的故事玉置成实了。

This movie truly brings the story from the novel to life.

3. 他们公司的成功离不开创始人的努力,他把自己的愿景玉置成实了。

The success of their company is due to the hard work of its founder, who turned his vision into reality.

4. 作为一个母亲,看到我的孩子们健康快乐地成长,是我最大的心愿,这就像是把我的梦想玉置成实了一样。

As a mother, seeing my children grow up healthy and happy is my greatest wish, it's like turning my dream into reality.

5. 我们的团队一直在努力,希望能够把我们的产品玉置成实,为消费者带来更好的体验。

Our team has been working hard to turn our product into reality and provide a better experience for consumers.


1. 实现 (shí xiàn): to achieve, to realize

2. 兑现 (duì xiàn): to fulfill, to honor (a promise)

3. 实践 (shí jiàn): to put into practice, to carry out



Yuzhi Narumi is a beautiful Japanese phrase that captures the essence of turning dreams and aspirations into reality. It can be used in various contexts, from personal achievements to business success. Other similar words can also be used to express the same idea, but Yuzhi Narumi adds a touch of elegance and grace with its reference to jade, a precious gemstone in Chinese culture. As an editor, I believe that this phrase can inspire people to work hard towards their goals and make them come true.


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