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特别加长版 ldquo 好坏丑 rdquo 的英文翻译

一:特别加长版 ldquo 好坏丑 rdquo 的英文翻译的意思:

The extended version of "good, bad, ugly" in English translation.


/gʊd, bæd, ˈʌɡli/

特别加长版 ldquo 好坏丑 rdquo 的英文翻译


"Good, bad, ugly"是一个常用的短语,通常用来描述事物的不同方面,分别着好、坏和丑。它可以用来形容人、物品或情况,也可以用来比喻不同的选择或结果。


1. The movie was good, but the ending was bad and the special effects were just plain ugly. (这部电影很好看,但结局很糟糕,特效也很差。)

2. She has a good heart, but sometimes she can be a bit bad-tempered. (她心地善良,但有时候脾气有点坏。)

3. The old building may look ugly now, but it has a lot of history and character. (这座老建筑现在看起来可能丑陋,但它拥有悠久的历史和独特的风格。)

4. It's hard to choose between the good option and the bad option; both have their pros and cons. (在好选择和坏选择之间很难做出抉择;两者都有利有弊。)

5. The situation is getting worse and worse, it's turning into a good, bad, ugly situation. (情况越来越糟糕,变得像是一个好的、坏的、丑陋的局面。)


1. Good: excellent, great, positive

2. Bad: negative, poor, terrible

3. Ugly: unattractive, unpleasant, repulsive


"Good, bad, ugly"是一个常用的短语,用来描述事物的不同方面,分别着好、坏和丑。它可以用来形容人、物品或情况,也可以用来比喻不同的选择或结果。在写作中,我们可以根据具体情况使用不同的同义词来替换这三个词,以避免重复使用。同时,在使用时也要注意语境,避免产生歧义。


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