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Meaning: According to the English


Pronunciation: [əˈkɔːdɪŋ tu ði ˈɪŋglɪʃ]



Usage: This phrase is used to indicate that something is based on or in accordance with something else.


1. According to the English dictionary, the word "apple" refers to a round fruit with red or green skin and a white flesh. (根据英语词典,单词“apple”指的是一种皮肤为红色或绿色,肉质为白色的圆形水果。)

2. The decision was made according to the English law. (这个决定是根据英国法律做出的。)

3. The painting was created according to the English style of art. (这幅画是按照英国艺术风格创作的。)

4. The report was written according to the English grammar rules. (这份报告是按照英语语法规则写成的。)

5. The recipe was followed according to the English measurements. (这个食谱是根据英式计量标准制作的。)


Synonyms: in line with, in keeping with, consistent with, following


These synonyms can be used interchangeably with "according to" in most cases.


1. In line with our company's policies, we will be implementing new safety measures next month.


2. The design of the building is in keeping with the surrounding architecture.


3. The results of the study were consistent with previous research findings.


4. Following the doctor's orders, she took her medication three times a day.


5. The project was completed according to the agreed upon timeline.



In conclusion, "according to" is a versatile phrase that can be used to indicate that something is based on or in accordance with something else. It can be used in various contexts and has several synonyms that can be used interchangeably. As a language model AI, I have learned how to use this phrase correctly and hope my explanation has been helpful for you as a dictionary editor and translator.


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