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Coal gasifier



[kohl gas-uh-fahy-er]




1. The coal gasifier is an important piece of equipment in the production of synthetic fuels. (在合成燃料生产中,煤气发生炉是重要的设备。)

2. The coal gasifier converts solid coal into a gaseous fuel through a process called gasification. (通过一种叫做气化的过程,煤气发生炉将固体煤转换为可燃气体。)

3. The coal gasifier is commonly used in industrial settings to produce fuel for heating and electricity generation. (在工业环境中,常用的方法是使用煤气发生炉来生产加热和发电用的燃料。)

4. The gas produced by the coal gasifier can also be used as a feedstock for the production of chemicals and other products. (通过煤气发生炉产生的气体也可以作为化学品和其他产品的原料。)

5. The use of coal gasifiers has become increasingly popular as a way to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and decrease carbon emissions. (使用煤气发生炉作为减少对化石燃料依赖和减少碳排放的一种方式,变得越来越受欢迎。)


1. Coal gasification: A process of converting solid coal into gaseous fuel using a coal gasifier.

2. Gasification plant: A facility that houses multiple coal gasifiers for the production of synthetic fuels.

3. Syngas: Short for synthesis gas, it refers to the mixture of gases produced by a coal gasifier.

4. Producer gas: Another term for syngas, typically used in the context of industrial applications.

5. Biomass gasifier: Similar to a coal gasifier, but uses organic materials such as wood or agricultural waste as feedstock.


煤气发生炉是一种将固体煤转化为可燃气体的设备,它可以用于工业用途,如加热锅炉或发电机,也可以用于家庭用途,如取暖或做饭。它的使用可以减少对化石燃料的依赖,降低碳排放,是一种环保的能源转换方式。同义词包括coal gasification、gasification plant、syngas等,还有类似的生物质气化设备。煤气发生炉在合成燃料生产中起着重要作用,随着对可再生能源需求的增加,其使用也将进一步扩大。


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