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hot on the screens


/hɒt ɒn ðə skriːnz/


热映的英文hot on the screens是指一部电影或电视剧正在当下热门播放,受到广大观众的关注和喜爱。通常用于描述某部作品在影院或网络上的播放情况。



1. The highly anticipated blockbuster is now hot on the screens, attracting large crowds to the cinemas. 这部备受期待的大片现在正在热映,吸引着大批观众来到电影院观看。

2. The TV series has been hot on the screens for weeks, breaking viewership records every episode. 这部电视剧已经连续几周热映,每集都打破收视纪录。

3. With its gripping plot and stellar performances, the movie is expected to be hot on the screens for a long time. 凭借其扣人心弦的剧情和精彩表演,这部电影预计会长期热映。

4. The indie film may not have a big budget, but it's definitely hot on the screens and receiving rave reviews from critics. 这部低成本的独立电影可能没有太多投入,但它肯定会在荧幕上大火,并获得评论家们的好评。

5. Despite facing competition from other summer blockbusters, the movie managed to stay hot on the screens and maintain its spot at the box office. 尽管面临其他暑期大片的竞争,这部电影仍然保持着热映状态,并在票房上保持着领先地位。


1. currently popular 在当下流行的

2. trending 热门的

3. in high demand 需求量大的

4. highly sought-after 非常抢手的

5. widely watched 广受关注的


热映的英文hot on the screens是一个常用于电影和电视剧领域的词汇,意为正在当下热门播放。它可以用来描述某部作品在影院或网络上受到广大观众关注和喜爱的情况。除了常见的hot on the screens外,还可以使用一些近义词来表达相同的意思,如currently popular、trending等。在撰写文章时,可以根据具体情况选择合适的词汇来表达。


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