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The meaning of "潮流用英语怎么说" is "how to say fashion in English".



Pronunciation: /ˈfæʃən/


"潮流用英语怎么说" is used to ask for the English translation or expression of the word "fashion". It can also be used to talk about the latest trends and styles in clothing, accessories, or behavior.


1. "我想知道潮流用英语怎么说。"

Translation: "I want to know how to say fashion in English."

2. "这件衣服很时尚,符合最新的潮流。"

Translation: "This outfit is very fashionable, it follows the latest trends."

3. "我们应该跟上时代的潮流,不要被落伍。"

Translation: "We should keep up with the trends of the times and not be left behind."

4. "她总是穿着最新的时尚款式,真是个时尚达人。"

Translation: "She always wears the latest fashion styles, she's a real fashionista."

5. "这部电影展现了当今社会的潮流和文化。"

Translation: "This movie showcases the current trends and culture of society."


1. Style - a particular way in which something is done or created; can refer to fashion or personal style.

Example: "她的时尚风格很独特。" Translation: "Her fashion style is very unique."

2. Trend - a general direction in which something is developing or changing; can refer to fashion trends.

Example: "这是一种流行趋势,很多人都在追随。" Translation: "This is a popular trend that many people are following."

3. Fad - a temporary fashion, behavior, or interest that becomes popular for a short period of time.

Example: "那种发型只是一时的风尚,很快就会过时。" Translation: "That hairstyle is just a fad, it will soon go out of style."

4. Vogue - the prevailing fashion or style at a particular time; can also refer to the popular fashion magazine.

Example: "这件衣服符合当下的时尚潮流。" Translation: "This outfit follows the current vogue."


In summary, the phrase "潮流用英语怎么说" is commonly used to ask for the English translation of the word "fashion". It can also be used to talk about the latest trends and styles in clothing, accessories, or behavior. Other synonyms such as style, trend, fad, and vogue can also be used in similar contexts.


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