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Full harm invites humble benefit.

Pronunciation: /fʊl hɑrm ɪnˈvaɪts ˈhʌmbəl ˈbɛnəfɪt/



This phrase is used to remind people to be humble and not let their pride or arrogance lead to detrimental consequences. It emphasizes the importance of being modest and open to learning from others, rather than being overly confident and closed-minded.

Example Sentences:

1. Full harm invites humble benefit, so it's important to always remain humble and open-minded.


2. He refused to listen to anyone's advice and ended up making a big mistake. Full harm invites humble benefit indeed.


3. The wise man knows that full harm invites humble benefit, so he always remains open to learning from others.


4. Don't let your pride get in the way of progress. Remember, full harm invites humble benefit.


5. She learned the hard way that full harm invites humble benefit when her arrogance led to her downfall.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Pride goes before a fall - This phrase has a similar meaning and is often used interchangeably with full harm invites humble benefit.

骄傲必败 - 这个短语的意思类似,经常与满招损,谦受益互换使用。

2. Humility leads to success - This phrase conveys the same message but in a more positive tone.

谦虚带来成功 - 这个短语传达了同样的信息,但语气更加积极。

3. Arrogance leads to downfall - This phrase emphasizes the negative consequences of being arrogant, similar to full harm invites humble benefit.

傲慢导致失败 - 这个短语强调了傲慢带来的负面后果,与满招损,谦受益类似。

Editor's Summary:

In today's society, where pride and arrogance are often praised and encouraged, it is important to remember the wisdom behind the phrase "full harm invites humble benefit". Being humble and open-minded can lead to personal growth and success, while being arrogant and closed-minded can lead to detrimental consequences. So let us always keep this phrase in mind and strive to be humble learners rather than arrogant know-it-alls.


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