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1. 深圳市贸易工业局的英文翻译意思:Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Trade and Industry

2. 怎么读(音标):[ ʃɛnˈʒɛn ˈmjuːnɪsɪpəl bjuːrəʊ ʌv treɪd ænd ˈɪndəstri ]


3. 用法:深圳市贸易工业局是深圳市的下属部门,负责监督和管理深圳市的贸易和工业发展。其主要职责包括制定和实施相关、规划和促进外贸、吸引外资、推动工业升级等。

4. 例句:

1) The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Trade and Industry is responsible for promoting the development of trade and industry in Shenzhen. (深圳市贸易工业局负责推动深圳市的贸易和工业发展。)

2) The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Trade and Industry has played a crucial role in attracting foreign investment to the city. (深圳市贸易工业局在吸引外资方面发挥了关键作用。)

3) The policies implemented by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Trade and Industry have greatly boosted the city's industrial upgrade. (深圳市贸易工业局所实施的大大推动了该市的产业升级。)

4) The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Trade and Industry works closely with other government departments to promote the city's trade and industry development. (深圳市贸易工业局与其他部门密切合作,推动该市的贸易和工业发展。)

5) As a foreign company, it is important to understand the policies and regulations set by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Trade and Industry before entering the market. (作为一家外国公司,进入市场前了解深圳市贸易工业局制定的和法规非常重要。)

5. 同义词及用法:

- Shenzhen Bureau of Commerce and Industry: 深圳市商务和工业局,与深圳市贸易工业局意思相同。

- Shenzhen Municipal Department of Commerce and Industry: 深圳市商务和工业部门,也是深圳市下属的部门,与深圳市贸易工业局具有相同的职责。

- Shenzhen Municipal Commission of Commerce and Industry: 深圳市商务和工业,是深圳市下属的行政,在推动外贸、吸引外资等方面与深圳市贸易工业局有着相似的职能。

6. 编辑总结:



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