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Meaning: The English translation for "淫水" is "lewd water", which refers to water that is considered to be sexually arousing or stimulating.


Pronunciation: yín shuǐ (yin2 shui3)

Usage: This term is often used in a metaphorical sense to describe something that is tempting, seductive, or suggestive of sexual desire.

Example Sentences:

1. She was so beautiful that every man who saw her felt like they were drowning in lewd water. (她太美了,每个看到她的男人都感觉自己像是淹没在淫水中。)

2. The novel was filled with scenes of lewd water, making it a popular read among young adults. (这本小说充满了淫水的场景,因此受到年轻人的欢迎。)

3. He couldn't resist the temptation of her lewd water eyes and ended up falling for her. (他无法抗拒她那双淫水般的眼睛,最终爱上了她。)

4. The music video was banned for its explicit portrayal of lewd water activities. (这支音乐视频因为其明显的描绘淫水活动而被播放。)

5. His mind was clouded with lewd water thoughts, making it hard for him to focus on anything else. (他脑海里充满了淫水的想法,让他难以专注于其他事情。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 淫荡之水 (yín dàng zhī shuǐ): This term has a similar meaning to "淫水" and is often used interchangeably.

2. 之水 (sè qíng zhī shuǐ): Literally meaning "erotic water", this term is also used to describe sexually arousing or suggestive content.

3. 淫乱之水 (yín luàn zhī shuǐ): This term carries a negative connotation and is often used to describe something that is considered immoral or indecent.

4. 性感之水 (xìng gǎn zhī shuǐ): Meaning "sensual water", this term is used to describe something that is sexually appealing or alluring.

5. 性欲之水 (xìng yù zhī shuǐ): This term refers specifically to sexual desire or lust, and is often used in a more literal sense.

Editor's Summary: In summary, "淫水" can be translated as "lewd water" in English and is often used metaphorically to describe something that is sexually tempting or suggestive. Other similar terms include 淫荡之水, 之水, 淫乱之水, 性感之水, and 性欲之水. However, it's important to note that these terms may carry different connotations and should be used appropriately in different contexts.


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