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- 液晶眼镜(Liquid Crystal Glasses)


- lɪkwɪd ˈkrɪstl ˈglæsəz

- 用法:液晶眼镜是一种特殊的眼镜,它可以根据光线的强弱自动调节镜片的颜色和透明度,从而保护用户的眼睛免受强光的刺激。它通常用于户外运动、驾驶和其他需要保护眼睛的场合。

- 例句1:I always wear my liquid crystal glasses when I go out to play tennis to protect my eyes from the bright sunlight.(我每次出去打网球都会戴上液晶眼镜,以防止强烈阳光对我的眼睛造成伤害。)

例句2:My father loves wearing his liquid crystal glasses while driving because they automatically adjust to the changing light conditions on the road.(我的父亲在开车时喜欢戴上液晶眼镜,因为它们可以自动调节适应道路上不断变化的光线条件。)

例句3:The new liquid crystal glasses I bought have a stylish design and provide excellent protection for my eyes.(我买了一副新款式的液晶眼镜,它们设计时尚,能够为我的眼睛提供出色的保护。)

例句4:I forgot to bring my liquid crystal glasses on my hiking trip and my eyes were sore from the intense sunlight.(我在徒步旅行时忘记带上液晶眼镜,结果我的眼睛因为强烈的阳光而感到酸痛。)

例句5:The liquid crystal glasses I bought have a polarized filter, which helps reduce glare and improve visibility while driving.(我买的液晶眼镜有极化滤镜,可以帮助减少反光,提高驾驶时的视野。)

同义词及用法:自调节眼镜(self-adjusting glasses)、自动调节眼镜(auto-tinting glasses)、变色镜片(photochromic lenses)



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