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1. idleness是指没有工作或活动的状态,也可以指没有目的、没有计划的状态。

2. idleness的读音为 [ˈaɪdl.nəs],英语中的 "i" 发音为 [aɪ],"d" 发音为 [d],"l" 发音为 [l],"n" 发音为 [n],"e" 发音为 [əs]。

3. 用例:

- She was accused of idleness for not doing her homework.


- The factory workers were forced into idleness due to the economic crisis.


- It's important to have some time for idleness, to relax and recharge.


- The children were punished for their idleness during class.


- He couldn't stand the idleness of retirement and decided to start a new business.


4. 组词:

- idle (adj./v.) 懒惰的/使懒惰

- idler (n.) 懒汉

- idle away (phr.) 虚度

- idle talk (phr.) 空谈

- idle hands (phr.) 空闲的双手

5. idleness的中英文对照:

- 中文:懒惰,闲散,无所事事

- 英文:idleness,laziness,idling



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