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Son [sɔːn]

noun. 儿子;年轻人;孩子

1. Son是泰国一位著名的男性明星,他在影视界有着广泛的影响力。Son这个名字源自泰国语,意为“儿子”。

Son is a famous male star in Thailand, and he has a wide influence in the film and television industry. The name Son comes from Thai, meaning "son".


2. 他的名字Son读作[sɔːn],发音时舌尖轻轻抵住上齿,嘴唇稍稍张开,发出短促的气流。

His name Son is pronounced [sɔːn], with the tip of the tongue lightly touching the upper teeth, and the lips slightly open, producing a short burst of air.

3. Son可以用作名词,表示一个男性孩子或者年轻人。也可以用来指代某人的儿子。

Son can be used as a noun to refer to a male child or young person. It can also be used to refer to someone's son.

4. 例句:

1) Son是一位非常有才华的明星,他在电影《天空之城》中表现出色。

Son is a very talented star, and he performed brilliantly in the movie "City of the Sky".

2) 我的儿子正在学习如何成为一个优秀的人,我希望他能像Son一样成功。

My son is learning how to become an outstanding person, and I hope he can be as successful as Son.

5. 同义词及用法:

和Son意思相近的词还有boy、lad、young man等。这些词都可以指一个年轻的男性,但是它们的用法和语气可能会有所不同。

Some synonyms for Son include boy, lad, and young man. These words can all refer to a young male, but their usage and tone may differ.

6. 编辑总结:

Son是一个泰国明星的名字,意为“儿子”。它可以用作名词,表示一个男性孩子或者年轻人,也可以指代某人的儿子。发音时舌尖轻轻抵住上齿,嘴唇稍稍张开,发出短促的气流。和Son意思相近的词还有boy、lad、young man等。这些词都可以指一个年轻的男性,但是它们的用法和语气可能会有所不同。希望本篇文章能为读者提供关于Son这个单词的全面解释。


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