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River Engineering Construction Maintenance Management Fee


/ˈrɪvər ˌɛndʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ kənˈstrʌkʃən ˈmeɪntənəns ˈmænɪdʒmənt fi/




1. The river engineering construction maintenance management fee is used to cover the costs of maintaining and managing the river projects. (河道工程修建维护管理费被用来支付维护和管理河道项目的成本。)

2. The local government has allocated a budget for the river engineering construction maintenance management fee in order to ensure the proper functioning of the waterways. (为了确保水路的正常运行,当地已经拨出了一笔预算用于支付河道工程修建维护管理费。)

3. The river engineering construction maintenance management fee is a necessary expense for maintaining the ecological balance and preventing natural disasters in the surrounding areas. (河道工程修建维护管理费是维护生态平衡、防止周边地区自然灾害的必要开支。)

4. The funds collected from the river engineering construction maintenance management fee are used for dredging and repairing the riverbed, as well as building flood control facilities. (从河道工程修建维护管理费中收集的资金被用于疏浚和修复河床,以及建设防洪设施。)

5. The local residents are required to pay the river engineering construction maintenance management fee annually, which is an important source of revenue for the government to maintain and manage the waterways. (当地居民每年都需要支付河道工程修建维护管理费,这是维护和管理水路的重要收入来源。)


1. River Engineering Construction Maintenance Fee:与河道工程修建维护管理费意思相同,但更加简洁明了。

2. Waterway Management Fee:指或相关部门为了管理水路所需支付的费用,包括河道工程修建维护管理费在内。

3. River Management Cost:与河道工程修建维护管理费意思相近,强调对水路进行有效管控所需的成本。

4. Water Infrastructure Maintenance Fee:指为了维护和管理水利基础设施所需支付的费用,包括但不限于河道工程修建维护管理费。

5. Water Resource Protection Fee:强调保护水资源所需支付的费用,河道工程修建维护管理费即为其中一项。


河道工程修建维护管理费是或相关部门为了维护和管理河道工程所需支付的费用。这些费用包括但不限于河道修建、改善、维护、清理等各项工作所需的资金。它的英文翻译为River Engineering Construction Maintenance Management Fee,读作/ˈrɪvər ˌɛndʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ kənˈstrʌkʃən ˈmeɪntənəns ˈmænɪdʒmənt fi/。同义词包括River Engineering Construction Maintenance Fee、Waterway Management Fee、River Management Cost、Water Infrastructure Maintenance Fee和Water Resource Protection Fee。每年都会收取这笔费用,并用于疏浚和修复河道、建设防洪设施等重要工作,以确保水路的正常运行。


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