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Unable to be expressed in English.


[miːd ɪk'spɹɛʃn ɪn 'ɪŋglɪʃ]


This phrase is used when there is no equivalent expression or word in the English language to convey a certain meaning or concept.

Example Sentences:

1. He tried to explain the feeling, but there was no way to express it in English.


2. Some emotions are unique to certain cultures and cannot be translated into English.


3. She had a hard time explaining the concept because there was simply no English word for it.


4. The beauty of this language cannot be fully captured in English, it's just one of those "no way" things.


5. Sometimes, we just have to accept that there are things that cannot be said in English.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Indescribable - used when something is impossible to describe or express.

2. Untranslatable - used when something cannot be translated into another language.

3. Inexpressible - used when something cannot be put into words or expressed adequately.

4. Beyond words - used when something is too great or intense to be described in words.

5. Incomprehensible - used when something is impossible to understand or express.

Editor's Summary:

"没办法的英文怎么说" is a phrase used when there is no equivalent expression or word in the English language to convey a certain meaning or concept. It can be translated as "unable to be expressed in English" and is often used when trying to explain something that cannot be fully captured in English. Synonyms of this phrase include "indescribable," "untranslatable," and "inexpressible." As an editor, it is important to understand the cultural and linguistic differences that may prevent certain concepts from being translated into English.


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