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1. 沙龙用英语怎么说的意思:



2. 怎么读(音标):

Salon [səˈlɑːn]

3. 用法:


a. 指代一种聚会或:

:She s a weekly salon where artists and writers can gather to discuss their work. (她每周都会举办一个沙龙活动,让艺术家和作家们可以聚在一起讨论他们的作品。)

b. 形容一种高雅、精致的室内环境:

:The hotel lobby has a grand salon with chandeliers and marble floors. (酒店大堂有一个带有水晶吊灯和大理石地板的豪华沙龙。)

c. 指代商业场所:

:I'm going to the beauty salon to get my hair done. (我要去美容沙龙做头发。)

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照:

1. The salon was filled with the sound of lively conversation and clinking glasses. (沙龙里充满了欢声笑语和杯盘碰撞的声音。)

2. The salon owner is known for her impeccable taste and attention to detail. (沙龙老板因其无可挑剔的品味和对细节的关注而闻名。)

3. I always enjoy attending the literary salon ed by my favorite author. (我总是很喜欢参加我最喜欢作家主持的文学沙龙。)

4. The hotel's grand salon is the perfect setting for a wedding reception. (酒店豪华的沙龙是举办婚宴的理想场所。)

5. My sister works as a nail technician at a beauty salon in the city center. (我姐姐在市中心一家美容沙龙当指甲技师。)

5. 同义词及用法:


a. Gathering:指代一种聚会或,与salon的用法相同。

:The monthly gathering of local artists and writers was held at the community center last night.


b. Parlor:通常指代一种高雅、精致的室内环境,与salon的用法相似。

:The Victorian parlor was decorated with plush furniture and ornate wallpaper.


c. Spa:指代一种商业场所,主要提供美容、放松和健康服务。

:I'm treating myself to a spa day tomorrow. (明天我要给自己放个水疗日。)

d. Lounge:可以指代一种聚会或,也可以用来形容一种舒适、宽敞的室内环境。

:The hotel lounge is a great place to relax and enjoy a drink after a long day of sightseeing.


6. 编辑总结:



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