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Fishery products



/ˈfɪʃəri ˈprɒdʌkts/


Fishery products refer to various aquatic animals and plants that are caught or cultivated for human consumption. They include fish, crustaceans, mollusks, seaweed, and other edible marine organisms. These products are an important source of food and nutrition for people all over the world.


1. The market is full of a variety of fishery products such as salmon, tuna, shrimp, and squid.


2. China is the largest producer and consumer of fishery products in the world.


3. The government has implemented strict regulations to ensure the safety and quality of fishery products.


4. The fishing industry plays a significant role in providing employment opportunities and contributing to the economy through the production and sale of fishery products.


5. Fishery products are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for a healthy diet.



Seafood - refers to any type of edible marine organism, including fishery products.

Aquatic products - a broader term that includes both freshwater and marine products.

Marine products - refers specifically to products from the sea, such as fish and shellfish.

Sea produce - another term for seafood or fishery products.


Fishery products are an important part of the global food industry and provide essential nutrition for people all over the world. They refer to various aquatic animals and plants that are caught or cultivated for human consumption. These products are not only a source of food but also play a significant role in employment and economic growth. It is important to ensure the safety and quality of fishery products through strict regulations. Other terms such as seafood, aquatic products, marine products, and sea produce can also be used to refer to these edible marine organisms.


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