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Entry: Rocker Arm of the Valve


Pronunciation: /ˈrɒkər ɑːm əv ðə vælv/

Usage: Noun


The rocker arm of the valve is a mechanical component that is used in internal combustion engines to open and close the valves. It is connected to the camshaft and transfers the motion of the camshaft to the valves, allowing them to open and close at the appropriate time.

Example Sentences:

1. The mechanic replaced the damaged rocker arm of the valve in my car's engine.


2. The rocker arm of the valve must be properly lubricated to ensure smooth operation.


3. The worn out rocker arm of the valve caused a malfunction in the engine.


4. The mechanic adjusted the position of the rocker arm of the valve to improve engine performance.


5. It is important to regularly check and maintain the rocker arm of the valve for optimal engine function.



Valve Rocker, Valve Lifter, Cam Follower

Editor's Summary:

The rocker arm of the valve plays a crucial role in ensuring proper functioning of an internal combustion engine. It is responsible for opening and closing the valves at the right time, allowing for efficient fuel combustion. Regular maintenance and proper lubrication of this component is essential for optimal engine performance.


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