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Bubble Cloud



/ˈbʌb(ə)l klaʊd/




1. The sky was filled with beautiful bubble clouds, making it look like a painting. 天空中充满了美丽的气泡云,仿佛一幅画作。

2. The children were fascinated by the bubble clouds floating in the sky, trying to guess what shapes they resembled. 孩子们被天空中漂浮的气泡云迷住了,试图猜测它们像什么形状。

3. The pilot had to navigate through the bubble clouds to reach their destination, causing some turbulence along the way. 飞行员不得不穿过气泡云才能到达目的地,在途中造成了一些颠簸。

4. The bubble clouds slowly dissipated as the sun set, creating a beautiful pink and orange sky. 太阳落山时,气泡云慢慢消散,形成了美丽的粉红色和橙色的天空。

5. The scientists were conducting experiments to study the formation and movement of bubble clouds in different weather conditions. 科学家们正在进行实验,研究不同天气条件下气泡云的形成和运动。


1. Cumulus Clouds: also known as "puffy" or "cotton ball" clouds, these are large, white, fluffy clouds that often resemble bubble clouds in appearance.

2. Cirrocumulus Clouds: high-altitude clouds that are composed of small, rounded masses and can sometimes appear like a layer of bubble clouds in the sky.

3. Altocumulus Clouds: mid-level clouds that can have a bubbly appearance due to their rounded shape and can be seen in various shades of gray.

4. Lenticular Clouds: lens-shaped clouds that often form over mountain peaks and can resemble bubbles stacked on of each other.

5. Stratocumulus Clouds: low-level clouds that are typically gray or white, with a bubbly or wavy appearance.




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