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Graduation thesis (design) is a written work that students need to complete in order to obtain a degree or diploma, which focuses on a specific ic related to their field of study. It is also known as a dissertation, final project, or capstone project.


/ˌɡrædʒuˈeɪʃən ˈθiːsɪs/ (grad-joo-ey-shuhn thee-sis)


Graduation thesis (design) is typically required for undergraduate and graduate level programs. It serves as a culmination of the student's academic journey and showcases their knowledge and skills in their chosen field. The thesis is usually written under the guidance of a faculty advisor and is evaluated by a committee.


1. My graduation thesis focused on the impact of social media on consumer behavior.


2. The student received high praise for her well-researched graduation thesis.


3. The defense of my graduation thesis was nerve-wracking but ultimately successful.


4. I spent countless hours in the library working on my graduation thesis.


5. The graduation thesis is a significant component of the requirements for obtaining a degree.



1. Dissertation - similar to a graduation thesis, but often used for doctoral programs

2. Final project - a term used interchangeably with graduation thesis

3. Capstone project - another term used to describe a final project or graduation thesis

4. Thesis - can refer to both undergraduate and graduate level research papers, but may also specifically refer to a master's degree dissertation


Graduation thesis (design) is an essential part of the academic journey for students, as it showcases their knowledge and skills in their chosen field. It requires extensive research, writing, and critical thinking skills. By completing a graduation thesis, students demonstrate their ability to contribute original ideas and make meaningful contributions to their field of study. It is an important milestone in one's academic career and serves as a testament to their dedication and hard work.


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