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死性的词源读作“sǐ xìng de cí yuán”。




1. The etymology of the word "vampire" can be traced back to the Old English word "wampyr", which means "corpse that rises at night to drink blood".(“吸血鬼”一词的词源可以追溯到古英语中“wampyr”的字眼,意为“夜晚起身喝血的尸体”。)

2. The etymology of the word "quarantine" can be traced back to the Italian word "quaranta giorni", which means "forty days".(“隔离”一词的词源可以追溯到意大利语中“quaranta giorni”的字眼,意为“四十天”。)

3. The etymology of the phrase "to turn a blind eye" can be traced back to a quote by Admiral Horatio Nelson, who famously turned a blind eye to the signal to retreat during the Battle of Copenhagen.(“睁一只眼闭一只眼”这个短语的词源可以追溯到海霍雷肖·纳尔逊的一句名言,他在哥本哈根战役中有名地对撤退信号视而不见。)

4. The etymology of the word "robot" can be traced back to the Czech word "robota", which means "forced labor".(“机器人”一词的词源可以追溯到捷克语中的“robota”,意为“强迫劳动”。)

5. The etymology of the phrase "butterfly effect" can be traced back to a quote by mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz, who used the metaphor of a butterfly flapping its wings to describe how small changes in initial conditions can lead to drastic differences in outcomes.(“蝴蝶效应”这个短语的词源可以追溯到数学家和气象学家爱德华·洛伦兹的一句引文,他用蝴蝶扇动翅膀的比喻来描述初始条件的微小变化如何导致结果上的巨大差异。)


1. Etymology:死性的词源

Synonyms:origin, derivation, root, source

Example sentence: The etymology of this word is uncertain.


2. Derivation:衍生

Synonyms:derivative, derivation, derivationism

Example sentence: The word "actor" is a derivation of the Latin word "agere".


3. Root:根源

Synonyms:origin, source, foundation, basis

Example sentence: The root of this problem lies in poor communication.


4. Source:来源

Synonyms:origin, cause, beginning, starting point

Example sentence: The source of this information is confidential.


5. Origin:起源

Synonyms:beginning, source, root, foundation

Example sentence: The origin of this tradition can be traced back to ancient times.





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