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The English translation of "死亡季节" is "Season of Death".


"死亡季节" can be pronounced as "sǐ wáng jì jié" in Mandarin Chinese.


"死亡季节" is a noun phrase that refers to a specific time period or season when death occurs more frequently. It can be used to describe the natural cycle of life and death, or the impact of a catastrophic event on a certain region or community.


1. 这个小镇每年的冬天都是死亡季节,老人们都会离开我们。

This town experiences a season of death every winter, as the elderly members of our community pass away.

2. 在这片荒凉的土地上,生命只是短暂的一瞬间,每年的干旱季节都被称为死亡季节。

On this barren land, life is but a fleeting moment, and every year's dry season is known as the season of death.

3. 由于气候变化,非洲大草原上的动物们每年都要面对一次死亡季节。

Due to climate change, animals on the African savannah have to face a season of death every year.

4. 在这个被战争摧毁的,人们已经习惯了每年冬天是死亡季节的现实。

In this war-torn country, people have become accustomed to the fact that winter is a season of death every year.

5. 在传统文化中,死亡季节被视为灵魂重新诞生的时期。

In traditional culture, the season of death is seen as a time for the rebirth of souls.


- 死亡时节 (sǐ wáng shí jié):literally means "time of death", can be used interchangeably with "死亡季节".

- 死亡之时 (sǐ wáng zhī shí):also means "time of death", but has a more poetic and solemn tone.

- 死寂之季 (sǐ jì zhī jì):can be translated as "season of silence and death", often used in literature or art to evoke a sense of melancholy and emptiness.




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