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1. Word: Abandon


Pronunciation: /əˈbændən/

Definition: to leave and never return; to give up completely

Example sentence: The dog was abandoned by its owner on the side of the road.

同义词及用法: Desert, forsake, renounce, relinquish

Editor's summary: Abandon is a verb that means to leave behind or give up completely. It can be used in various contexts such as abandoning a place or abandoning a belief.

2. Word: Benevolent

Pronunciation: /bəˈnevələnt/

Definition: kind and generous; showing goodwill

Example sentence: The benevolent millionaire donated millions of dollars to charity.

同义词及用法: Generous, charitable, philanthropic, magnanimous

Editor's summary: Benevolent is an adjective that describes someone who is kind and generous towards others. It can also refer to actions or gestures that show goodwill.

3. Word: Convoluted

Pronunciation: /kɑnˈvɑljuːtɪd/

Definition: complicated and difficult to understand; twisted or coiled in shape

Example sentence: The convoluted plot of the movie left many viewers confused.

同义词及用法: Complex, intricate, labyrinthine, tangled

Editor's summary: Convoluted is an adjective that describes something that is complicated and difficult to understand. It can also refer to physical objects that are twisted or coiled.

4. Word: Dearth


Definition: a scarcity or lack of something; inadequate supply

Example sentence:The drought caused a dearth of crops in the region.

同义词及用法:Lack, shortage, deficiency, paucity

Editor's summary:Dearth is a noun that refers to a scarcity or lack of something. It is often used to describe a shortage or inadequate supply of resources.

5. Word: Euphoria

Pronunciation: /juːˈfɔːriə/

Definition: a feeling of great happiness and excitement; intense joy

Example sentence: Winning the championship filled the team with euphoria.

同义词及用法: Bliss, elation, ecstasy, rapture

Editor's summary: Euphoria is a noun that describes a feeling of intense happiness and excitement. It is often used to describe moments of great joy or triumph.

Editor's summary:

In this dictionary entry, we have covered five words with different parts of speech and meanings. These words can be used in various contexts and have similar synonyms that can be used interchangeably. It is important to understand the correct usage and pronunciation of these words to effectively communicate in English.


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