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Meaning: To examine or look at something closely in order to find out more information about it.


Pronunciation: /tʃɛk/ /juz/ /ˈɪŋglɪʃ/ /ˈskeɪ/

Usage: This phrase is commonly used when someone wants to find out more information about a specific ic, object, or situation. It can also be used when someone wants to confirm or verify something.

Example Sentences:

1. Can you please check how much this dress costs? I want to make sure I have enough money.


2. The doctor needs to check your blood pressure before we can proceed with the surgery.


3. I need to check with my boss before I can give you an answer.


4. The police checked the suspect's alibi and found that he was telling the truth.

调查了嫌疑人的 co alibi,他说的是实话。

5. Before you submit your essay, make sure you check for any spelling or grammar errors.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Inspect - This word has a similar meaning to "check" but is often used in more formal situations, such as inspections of buildings or machinery.

2. Verify - This word means to confirm or prove the truth of something and is often used in legal or official contexts.

3. Examine - This word has a more specific meaning of closely looking at something in order to find out more information about it.

4. Confirm - This word means to establish the truth or correctness of something and is often used when someone wants to make sure something is true.

5. Review - This word can be used interchangeably with "check" but often implies a more thorough examination or evaluation.

Editor's Summary:

"Check" is a versatile word that can be used in various situations to mean examining or verifying something. It is commonly used in everyday conversations and has several synonyms that can be used depending on the context. When using this word, it is important to make sure the meaning is clear and the intended usage is appropriate for the situation.


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