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Architecture is the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other structures. It involves planning, designing, and overseeing the construction process to create functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing structures.


1. The architecture of ancient Rome still influences modern building design.


2. The architect presented his innovative architecture plans for the new office building.


3. She studied architecture at university and now works for a prominent architectural firm.


4. The city's unique architecture attracts tourists from all over the world.


5. The architecture of this building is a blend of traditional and modern styles.



1. Building: a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place.

Example: The new building will house the company's headquarters.

2. Construction: the process of building something, typically a large structure.

Example: The construction of the bridge was completed ahead of schedule.

3. Design: to plan or create something in an artistic or skillful way.

Example: She designed her own dress for the wedding.

4. Engineering: the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design and build structures, machines, and other items.

Example: The engineering team worked together to develop a new prototype.

5. Structure: something that has been built or constructed, such as a building or bridge.

Example: The structure of the house is very sturdy.


Architecture is an important aspect of our daily lives as it shapes the world we live in. It involves not only designing and constructing buildings, but also considering functionality, safety, and aesthetics. With its rich history and continuous innovation, architecture continues to influence our surroundings and inspire new ideas.


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