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The meaning of "果果用英语怎么说" in English is "How to say guoguo in English".


The pronunciation of "果果" is [guǒ guǒ].



"果果" can be used as a noun or a name. As a noun, it refers to a round and sweet fruit that grows on trees, such as apples, oranges, or peaches. As a name, it can be used for both males and females.


1. 我最喜欢吃的水果是苹果,你知道苹果用英语怎么说吗?(My favorite fruit is apple, do you know how to say apple in English?)

2. 你的名字是什么?我的名字是果果。(What's your name? My name is Guoguo.)

3. 这个最著名的水果是什么?这个最著名的水果是香蕉、橘子和梨。(What is the most famous fruit in this country? The most famous fruits in this country are bananas, oranges, and pears.)

4. 我们今天要做一个水果沙拉,需要准备哪些水果?我们需要苹果、橘子和草莓。(We are going to make a fruit salad today, what fruits do we need to prepare? We need apples, oranges, and strawberries.)

5. 爸爸给我买了一箱水果,里面有橘子、桃子和葡萄。(Dad bought me a box of fruits, there are oranges, peaches, and grapes inside.)


1. 水果 (shuǐ guǒ) - This is the general term for fruits in Chinese.

2. 果实 (guǒ shí) - This is another word for fruits, but it can also refer to the result or outcome of something.

3. 水果树 (shuǐ guǒ shù) - This refers to fruit trees.

4. 果园 (guǒ yuán) - This refers to an orchard or a fruit garden.

5. 果汁 (guǒ zhī) - This refers to fruit juice.


In summary, "果果用英语怎么说" means "How to say guoguo in English". It can be used as a noun or a name, and it refers to round and sweet fruits that grow on trees. Some synonyms for "果果" include 水果, 果实, and 果汁. Remember to pronounce it as [guǒ guǒ] when speaking Mandarin Chinese.


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