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Extreme testing


/ɪkˈstriːm ˈtɛstɪŋ/





1. Our team is conducting extreme testing on the new software to ensure its stability under high stress conditions. (我们团队正在对新软件进行极限测试,以确保其在高压力条件下的稳定性。)

2. The company's reputation was on the line, so they decided to perform extreme testing on their latest product before releasing it to the market. (公司的声誉岌岌可危,因此他们决定在将最新产品推向市场之前进行极限测试。)

3. Extreme testing revealed several flaws in the system that needed to be addressed before it could be launched. (极限测试揭示了中几个需要解决的缺陷,在其可以推出之前必须加以处理。)

4. The engineers were amazed by how well the product performed during extreme testing, exceeding all expectations. (工程师们惊讶地该产品在极限测试中表现出色,超出了所有预期。)

5. It is crucial for companies to conduct extreme testing in order to ensure their products can withstand any potential challenges in the market. (公司进行极限测试是至关重要的,以确保其产品能够应对市场上可能出现的任何挑战。)


1. Stress testing: Similar to extreme testing, stress testing is a type of testing that evaluates the performance of a system under intense and extreme conditions.

2. Load testing: This type of testing involves putting a system under heavy load to assess its ability to handle large amounts of data or users.

3. Endurance testing: Endurance testing is used to evaluate the system's ability to withstand prolonged usage without any decrease in performance.

4. Performance testing: This type of testing measures the speed, responsiveness, and stability of a system under different conditions.

5. Reliability testing: Reliability testing aims to ensure that a system can function consistently and reliably over time.




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