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1. Etymology


n. the study of the origin and history of words


Etymology is the study of the origin and history of words. It involves tracing the roots and development of words, as well as their changes in form and meaning over time.


Etymology is often used in linguistics, philology, and lexicography to understand how languages have evolved and how words have been borrowed from other languages. It can also be helpful for language learners to understand the connections between words in different languages.


1. The etymology of the word "etymology" can be traced back to the Greek word "etymon" meaning "true sense" or "original form".


2. Etymology is an important tool for understanding the evolution of language.


3. The etymologies of many English words can be traced back to Latin or Greek roots.


4. Learning about etymology can help you understand how different languages are connected.


5. The etymological dictionary provides information about the origins and development of words.



1. Word origin - the source or derivation of a word

词源 - 单词的来源或派生

2. Derivation - the process of creating new words from existing words

派生 - 从现有单词中创造新单词的过程

3. Root - the basic element from which a word is derived

根源 - 单词的基本元素

4. Philology - the study of language in written historical sources

语言学 - 研究书面历史资料中的语言

5. Lexicography - the practice of compiling dictionaries



Etymology is an important aspect of language study that helps us understand the origins and development of words. By tracing a word's etymology, we can gain insights into its meaning and connections to other languages. As a language learner, it can be helpful to explore the etymologies of words to deepen your understanding and appreciation for different languages.


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