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1. Word: Abundant

Pronunciation: /əˈbʌndənt/

Usage: Adjective

Meaning: Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.


Example sentence:

- There is an abundant supply of food in the pantry. (食品储藏室里有大量的食物。)

- The garden is filled with abundant flowers. (花园里到处都是茂盛的花朵。)

- She has an abundant amount of energy. (她拥有充沛的能量。)

- Our city has an abundant number of parks. (我们的城市拥有大量的公园。)

- The ocean is home to an abundant variety of marine life. (海洋是许多种类丰富的海洋生物的家园。)

Synonyms: Ample, Copious, Plentiful, Profuse

Editor's Summary:

Abundant is a commonly used adjective to describe something that is plentiful or existing in large quantities. It can be used to describe physical objects such as food or flowers, as well as abstract concepts like energy or opportunities. Synonyms for abundant include ample, copious, plentiful, and profuse.


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