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1. 有钱能使鬼推磨 (yǒu qián néng shǐ guǐ tuī mó)

Meaning: Money can make gs grind.

Pronunciation: [yo-chien nung shr-gway tway-moh]


Usage: This phrase is used to describe the power of money to achieve seemingly impossible tasks or to persuade someone to do something they would not normally do.


- She never thought she could get her dream job, but money can make gs grind and she got the position with a high salary. (她从来没有想过她能得到梦想的工作,但是有钱能使鬼推磨,她最终获得了高薪的职位。)


- Money talks (金钱万能)

- Money makes the world go round (金钱是万能的)

2. 有钱人 (yǒu qián rén)

Meaning: Rich person

Pronunciation: [yo-chien ren]

Usage: This term is used to refer to someone who has a lot of money and is able to use it to influence others or achieve their goals.


- The party was full of wealthy people, but the most influential one was the richest man in town. (派对上充满了有钱人,但是最具影响力的却是镇上最富有的那个人。)


- Wealthy person (富裕人士)

- Affluent person (富裕的人)

3. 推磨 (tuī mó)

Meaning: To grind

Pronunciation: [tway-moh]

Usage: This verb is used to describe the action of grinding, which is the process of crushing or breaking something into small pieces.


- The old man spent hours every day pushing the heavy grindstone to grind his wheat. (老人每天花费数小时推动沉重的磨盘来磨他的小麦。)


- Grind (磨碎)

- Crush (压碎)

4. 鬼 (guǐ)

Meaning: G

Pronunciation: [gway]

Usage: This noun refers to a spirit or soul of a dead person that is believed to haunt or appear to the living.


- She refused to go into the abandoned house because she was afraid of encountering a g. (她拒绝进入废弃的房子,因为她害怕遇到鬼。)


- Spirit (灵魂)

- Phantom (幽灵)

5. 使 (shǐ)

Meaning: To make

Pronunciation: [shr]

Usage: This verb is used to indicate causation, meaning to cause someone or something to do something.


- The teacher's encouragement made her more confident in her abilities. (老师的鼓励使她更有信心地展示自己的能力。)


- Cause (引起)

- Induce (诱导)

Editor's Summary:

Money has always been a powerful tool that can open doors and make impossible things possible. The phrase "money can make gs grind" emphasizes the influence and persuasive power of wealth. It also reflects society's obsession with money and how it can shape people's actions and decisions. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as describing the power of money in achieving goals, persuading someone to do something, or simply referring to rich individuals. It is important to note that while money can bring success and influence, it should not be the sole focus in life.


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