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1. 有朋自远方来 (yǒu péng zì yuǎn fāng lái)


Meaning: Friends from afar come to visit.

Usage: This phrase is often used to express the joy and excitement of welcoming friends from faraway places.

Example Sentences:

1. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?(yǒu péng zì yuǎn fāng lái, bù yì lè hū?)

Translation: Is it not a pleasure to have friends come from afar?

2. 我们真的很高兴有朋友从远方来看我们。(wǒ men zhēn de hěn gāo xìng yǒu péng you cóng yuǎn fāng lái kàn wǒ men.)

Translation: We are truly happy to have friends come from faraway places to visit us.

3. 她是我的老同学,我很开心有朋友从远方来。(tā shì wǒ de lǎo tóng xué, wǒ hěn kāi xīn yǒu péng you cóng yuǎn fāng lái.)

Translation: She is my old classmate, I am so happy to have a friend come from afar.

4. 每次有朋友从远方来,我们都会一起去旅游。(měi cì yǒu péng you cóng yuǎn fāng lái, wǒ men dōu huì yī qǐ qù lǚ yóu.)

Translation: Every time a friend comes from afar, we will go on a trip together.

5. 我们的友谊跨越了国界,有朋自远方来,我们就像家人一样。(wǒ men de yǒu yì kuà yuè le guó jiè, yǒu péng zì yuǎn fāng lái, wǒ men jiù xiàng jiā rén yī yàng.)

Translation: Our friendship transcends borders, when friends come from afar, we are like family.

Synonyms: 远方的朋友 (yuǎn fāng de péng you), 远道而来的朋友 (yuǎn dào ér lái de péng you)

Usage: These synonyms can be used interchangeably with 有朋自远方来 to refer to friends who come from faraway places.

Editor's Summary:

In Chinese culture, the concept of friendship is highly valued and the phrase 有朋自远方来 reflects this sentiment. It is often used to express the warmth and happiness of welcoming friends from distant places. This phrase can also be used to describe the strong bond between friends that transcends distance and borders.


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