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Burst with laughter


[bɜːst wɪð ˈlæftər]


To suddenly and loudly laugh uncontrollably.


This phrase is commonly used to describe a situation where someone finds something extremely funny and cannot s laughing.


1. "When the comedian told his joke, the audience burst with laughter."

- “当喜剧演员讲完他的笑话,观众都突然大笑起来。”

2. "The movie was so hilarious that I couldn't help but burst with laughter."

- “这部电影太搞笑了,我忍不住大笑起来。”

3. "Her silly antics always make me burst with laughter."

- “她的愚蠢举动总是让我捧腹大笑。”

4. "The children's book was filled with funny illustrations that made the kids burst with laughter."

- “这本儿童书里有很多滑稽的插图,让孩子们忍不住大笑。”

5. "As soon as she saw her surprise birthday party, she burst with laughter."

- “她一看到她的惊喜生日派对,就忍不住大笑起来。”

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Laugh uncontrollably - To laugh without being able to s.

2. Guffaw - A loud and boisterous laugh.

3. Chuckle - A soft and restrained laugh.

4. Cackle - A high-pitched and shrill laugh, often associated with witches or evil characters.

5. Roar with laughter - To laugh very loudly.

Editor's Summary:

"Burst with laughter" is a fun and expressive phrase that perfectly captures the image of someone laughing uncontrollably. It is commonly used in both spoken and written English to describe a situation where something is so funny that it causes someone to burst with laughter. Other similar phrases can also be used depending on the intensity or type of laughter, such as "guffaw" or "cackle". Overall, this phrase is a great addition to one's vocabulary and can be used to add more flavor and humor to one's writing or speech.


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