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1. Temporary (ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri)

2. Short-lived (ʃɔrt-lɪvd)

3. Transient (ˈtrænʃənt)

4. Provisional (prəˈvɪʒənl)

5. Impermanent (ɪmˈpɜrmənənt)


1. lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent

2. lasting or existing for only a short time; not permanent

3. lasting only for a short time; temporary

4. serving for the time being; temporary

5. not lasting or enduring; not permanent


Temporary is used to describe something that is intended to last for a limited period of time, and is not permanent in nature.

Short-lived is used to describe something that has a very short duration or lifespan.

Transient is used to describe something that exists or lasts for only a short period of time.

Provisional is used to describe something that serves as a temporary arrangement until a permanent solution can be found.

Impermanent is used to describe something that does not last or endure, and is therefore not permanent.

Example Sentences:

1. The company has hired temporary workers to help with the busy holiday season.


2. The flowers in this garden are beautiful but they are short-lived, so make sure to enjoy them while they last.


3. The rain was only transient and soon the sun came out again.


4. The government has announced a provisional plan to deal with the current economic crisis.


5. The impermanent nature of life is something we must all come to terms with.


Synonyms and Usage:

Temporary, short-lived, transient, provisional, and impermanent are all synonyms for something that is not permanent in nature. They can be used interchangeably in most cases, but there are some subtle differences in their usage.

Temporary and provisional both imply a temporary state or arrangement that is intended to last for a limited period of time. However, provisional often carries the connotation of being a temporary solution until a more permanent one can be found.

Short-lived and transient both imply a short duration or lifespan, but transient also has the additional meaning of being fleeting or passing quickly.

Impermanent is often used to describe something that does not last or endure, while the other synonyms can also refer to something that may have a longer duration but is still not permanent.

Editor's Summary:

In summary, these five words all describe something that is not permanent in nature and has a limited duration or lifespan. While they can be used interchangeably in most cases, there are subtle differences in their usage which should be taken into consideration when choosing the most appropriate word for a particular context.


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