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Meaning: A group of experts or advisors who provide valuable insights, advice, and solutions to complex problems.

Pronunciation: /zɪnˈnæŋ tuːn/ (zin-NANG-toon)

Usage: The term "智囊团" is often used in Chinese to refer to a group of knowledgeable individuals who offer their expertise and wisdom to assist in decision making.


Example Sentences:

1. The president's 智囊团 played a crucial role in formulating the company's expansion strategy.


2. The government has set up a 智囊团 to advise on economic policies and reforms.


3. Our team of experts acts as a 智囊团 for businesses looking to enter the Chinese market.


4. The prime minister relies heavily on his 智囊团 for guidance on foreign affairs.


5. As a member of the 智囊团, I have access to valuable insights and analysis from industry experts.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Think tank - a group or institution that conducts research and provides advice on economic, social, and political issues.

2. Advisory board - a group of experts who provide guidance and recommendations to an organization or individual.

3. Brain trust - a group of highly intelligent individuals who offer their expertise to solve complex problems.

4. Panel of experts - a committee or group of specialists who provide professional advice and opinions on a particular subject.

5. Consultative body - an advisory group that offers suggestions and recommendations to decision makers.

Editor's Summary:

智囊团 (zin-NANG-toon) is the Chinese term for a group of experts who offer their knowledge and wisdom to assist in decision making. This term can be used in various contexts, such as business, politics, and government, to refer to a team of advisors or consultants. Synonyms for 智囊团 include think tank, advisory board, brain trust, panel of experts, and consultative body.


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