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1. Meaning: A word or phrase that describes an action, condition, or experience.

2. How to read: /ˈmēnɪŋ/


3. Usage: In English language, meaning refers to the intended or interpreted significance of a word, sentence, or other linguistic unit. It can also refer to the purpose or significance of something.

4. Example sentences:

1) The meaning of "love" is different for everyone.

2) What is the meaning of this word in your language?

3) The meaning behind his actions was unclear.

4) Can you explain the meaning of this poem?

5) I'm still trying to understand the true meaning of life.

5. Synonyms and usage:

- Definition: A statement expressing the essential nature of something; a concise explanation.

- Example sentence: The dictionary provides definitions for thousands of words.

- Synonyms: explanation, description, interpretation

- Sense: A particular meaning of a word or phrase; a way in which a word or phrase can be interpreted.

- Example sentence: The word "bank" has multiple senses depending on context.

- Synonyms: significance, connotation, interpretation

6. Editor's summary:

In summary, meaning refers to the intended significance or purpose behind words or actions. It can have multiple senses and can be interpreted differently by individuals. Other terms such as definition and sense are often used interchangeably with meaning but may have slightly different nuances in their usage.


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