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1. jinchi怎么读?jinchi是什么意思的解释:

jinchi是一个汉语词汇,读作[jīn chí],是一个名词,意为“进的旗帜”。该词来源于《史记·项羽本纪》:“项羽引渡江,乃立金戈为标,曰‘进’。”因此jinchi也可以理解为“进的标志”。

2. jinchi怎么读?jinchi是什么意思读音读法:

jinchi的发音为[jīn chí],其中j发音为浊辅音[j],i发音为鼻韵母[i],n发音为鼻辅音[n],ch发音为清辅音[tʃ],í发音为轻声。

3. jinchi怎么读?jinchi是什么意思的用例:






4. jinchi怎么读?jinchi是什么意思组词:




5. jinchi怎么读?jinchi是什么意思的中英文对照:


How to pronounce jinchi? What does jinchi mean?

1, jinchi怎么读?jinchi是什么意思的解释

Jinchi is a Chinese vocabulary, pronounced [jīn chí], and it is a noun meaning "the flag of marching". The term comes from "Records of the Grand Historian: Biography of Xiang Yu", which states, "Xiang Yu led his troops across the river and set up a golden spear as the standard, saying 'March forward'." Therefore, jinchi can also be understood as "the symbol of advancing".

2. jinchi怎么读?jinchi是什么意思读音读法:

The pronunciation of jinchi is [jīn chí], with the letter 'j' pronounced as a voiced consonant [j], 'i' pronounced as a nasal vowel [i], 'n' pronounced as a nasal consonant [n], 'ch' pronounced as an unvoiced consonant [tʃ], and 'í' pronounced as a light tone.

3. jinchi怎么读?jinchi是什么意思的用例:

Example 1: He held a golden jinchi in his hand and waved it on the road to advance.

Example 2: As a soldier, he always held up the jinchi to boost morale.

Example 3: In this army, everyone has their own jinchi, and uses it as motivation to move forward.

Example 4: In history, many great leaders have used golden jinchi to inspire morale.

Example 5: No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must move forward steadfastly like a jinchi.

4. jinchi怎么读?jinchi是什么意思组词:

March forward (verb phrase, meaning "to move forward")

Flag (noun, meaning "a symbol representing a group")

Golden spear (noun phrase, meaning "a golden spear")

5. jinchi怎么读?jinchi是什么意思的中英文对照:


How to pronounce jinchi? What does jinchi mean?


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