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1. 新动力 (xīn dòng lì)

Noun, meaning "new energy" or "new power".

2. 用法 (yòng fǎ)


In Chinese, "新动力" is usually used to refer to new and renewable sources of energy, such as solar, wind, and hydro power. It can also be used to describe any new and innovative source of power or energy.

3. 例句 (lì jù)

1) 我们需要发展新动力,以减少对传统化石燃料的依赖。

We need to develop new energy sources in order to reduce our reliance on traditional fossil fuels.

2) 最近,这个开始大力推广新动力汽车。

Recently, this country has been promoting new energy vehicles vigorously.

3) 新动力技术的应用正在改变我们的生活。

The application of new energy technology is changing our lives.

4) 同义词 (tóng yì cí)

Some synonyms for "新动力" include:

- 可再生能源 (kě zài shēng néng yuán) - renewable energy

- 绿色能源 (lǜ sè néng yuán) - green energy

- 清洁能源 (qīng jié néng yuán) - clean energy

- 替代能源 (tì dài néng yuán) - alternative energy

5) 编辑总结 (biān jí zǒng jié)

In summary, "新动力" refers to new and innovative sources of power or energy that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly than traditional fossil fuels. It is a term commonly used in discussions about renewable energy and the transition to a more sustainable future.


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