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Cutting the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows again.

怎么读(音标):/kʌtɪŋ ðə ɡræs wɪðaʊt rɪˈmuːvɪŋ ðə ruːts, ðə sprɪŋ briːz bləʊz əˈɡeɪn/




The government should take measures to solve the living problems of the impoverished population instead of just cutting the grass without removing the roots, leading to the problems recurring.


We cannot just focus on symptoms, we must find the root cause of the problem, otherwise it will be like cutting the grass without removing the roots, and it will keep coming back.


The company only temporarily solved the cost issue, but did not address it at its root, so it's like cutting grass without removing the roots, and the problem will arise again.


Education should focus on cultivating students' abilities at their root, instead of just imparting knowledge, otherwise it will be like cutting grass without removing the roots, and the problem will arise again.


Treating diseases requires finding the root cause, rather than just controlling symptoms, otherwise it will be like cutting grass without removing the roots, and the problem will arise again.

同义词及用法:斩草除根(cutting grass and removing roots),解决问题的根源(addressing the root cause of a problem),从根本上解决问题(solving a problem at its root)



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