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adj. (of a person or their feelings) easily hurt or offended by what other people say or do, especially about things that are important to them; 善感的,敏感的(指人或其情绪)对别人所说或所做的事情很容易受伤或冒犯,特别是对于对他们来说重要的事情


1. She's very sensitive about her appearance and hates any criticism. 她对自己的外表非常敏感,讨厌任何批评。

2. He's always been very sensitive to other people's feelings. 他一直都很敏感地关心别人的感受。

3. The issue of race is a sensitive one for many people. 种族问题对许多人来说都是一个敏感话题。

4. I didn't realize how sensitive she was until I accidentally made a joke about her weight. 我不知道她有多么敏感,直到我无意中开了一个关于她体重的玩笑。

5. The government has to be careful not to offend the sensitive feelings of the minority groups. 必须小心不要冒犯少数群体的敏感情绪。


1. Touchy [ˈtʌtʃi] adj.

easily upset or offended by what other people say or do; 感触易动的,易怒的(指人)容易被别人所说或所做的事情惹恼或冒犯

2. Delicate [ˈdelɪkət] adj.

easily upset or offended; 敏感的,易受伤的(指人)容易受到伤害或冒犯

3. Thin-skinned [ˌθɪn ˈskɪnd] adj.

easily upset or offended by criticism; 脆弱的,敏感的(指人)容易被批评所伤害或冒犯

4. Tender [ˈtendər] adj.

sensitive to the feelings of others; 体贴的,善解人意的(指人)对他人的感受很敏感

5. Susceptible [səˈseptəbl] adj.

easily influenced or affected by something; 易受影响的,易受损害的(指人)容易被某事物所影响或损害




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