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Meaning: How to say "改造" in English

Pronunciation: /gǎi zào/

Usage: verb, noun

Definition: To transform, to alter or make changes to something in order to improve it or make it better.


Example Sentences:

1. 我们需要改造这座老旧的建筑物,使它符合现代化的标准。 (We need to transform this old building to meet modern standards.)

2. 这个地区正在进行城市改造,以提高居民的生活质量。(The area is undergoing urban transformation to improve the quality of life for its residents.)

3. 这家公司正在努力改造自己的形象,以吸引更多年轻消费者。(This company is working hard to transform its image in order to attract more young consumers.)

4. 改造教育是一项艰巨的任务,但必须要做。(Transforming the education system is a challenging task, but it must be done.)

5. 他们希望通过改造社区来解决犯罪问题。(They hope to address crime issues by transforming the community.)


1. 转变 (zhuǎn biàn) - change, convert

2. 改变 (gǎi biàn) - change, alter

3. 重塑 (chóng sù) - reshape, reconstruct

4. 革新 (gé xīn) - reform, innovate

5. 改革 (gǎi gé) - reform, revolutionize

Editor's Summary:

"改造" is a verb that means to transform or make changes to something in order to improve it. It can also be used as a noun to refer to the process of transformation. This word is commonly used in various contexts, such as urban development, company restructuring, and personal growth. Some synonyms for "改造" include 转变, 改变, 重塑, 革新, and 改革.


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