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Summary: A summary is a brief statement that gives the main points or ideas of something.



Pronunciation: /ˈsʌməri/


A summary is often used to provide a quick overview of a longer piece of writing, such as an article, book, or report. It can also be used to summarize a conversation or presentation. Summaries are commonly used in academic writing, business reports, and news articles.


1. Can you give me a summary of the main points from the meeting? (你能给我一个主要内容的摘要吗?)

2. The textbook includes a helpful summary at the end of each chapter. (教科书每个章节结尾都有一个有用的总结。)

3. The news anchor provided a brief summary of the day's stories. (新闻主播简要介绍了当天的头条新闻。)

4. In her essay, she provided a detailed summary of the research findings. (在她的文章中,她详细总结了研究结果。)

5. The executive's presentation included a visual summary to help the audience understand key points. (高管的演讲中包含了一个视觉总结,帮助听众理解关键点。)


Other words that can be used in place of "summary" include synopsis, abstract, outline, and recapitulation.


In conclusion, a summary is a concise statement that captures the main points or ideas from a longer piece of writing or conversation. It is commonly used in various contexts and can be a useful tool for quickly understanding the key points of a ic. When writing a summary, it is important to accurately and objectively represent the main ideas without adding personal opinions or interpretations.


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