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The meaning of "摆姿势用英语怎么说" is "How to say 'strike a pose' in English".


Pronunciation: /straɪk ə poʊz/



"Strike a pose" is an idiomatic phrase used to describe someone posing in a dramatic or exaggerated manner, often for a photograph or performance.


1. She loves to strike a pose whenever someone takes out a camera. (她每次看到有人拿出相机就喜欢摆姿势。)

2. The models were instructed to strike a pose that conveyed confidence and elegance. (模特们被指示要摆出表现自信和优雅的姿势。)

3. He struck a pose with his guitar, pretending to be a rock star. (他拿着吉他摆出一副假装是摇滚明星的姿势。)

4. The dancers struck various poses as they moved gracefully across the stage. (舞者们在舞台上优雅地移动时做出各种各样的姿势。)

5. The little girl loves to strike a pose and pretend she's a princess. (小女孩喜欢摆姿势,假装自己是公主。)


1. Pose: This is the most common synonym for "strike a pose". It means to assume or hold a particular position, especially for a photograph or painting.

2. Posture: This word can also be used to describe someone's pose or stance, but it is more commonly used to refer to the way someone holds their body while standing, sitting, or moving.

3. Model: This word can be used as a verb to mean "to strike a pose", but it usually refers to someone who poses for a photographer or artist.

4. Show off: This phrase has a slightly negative connotation and is often used to describe someone who is striking a pose in order to draw attention to themselves.

5. Flaunt: Similar to "show off", this word also has a negative connotation and means to display something in an ostentatious or boastful manner.


Overall, "strike a pose" is an idiomatic phrase that means to pose in an exaggerated or dramatic manner. It is commonly used when taking photographs or performing. There are several synonyms that can be used interchangeably with this phrase, depending on the context and tone of the sentence.


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