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1. 搭档 (dā dàng)


Meaning: A partner or companion who works together with someone else towards a common goal.

Pronunciation: /ˈpɑːt.nər/

Usage: The term "搭档" can be used in various contexts, such as business partnerships, sports teams, or romantic relationships.

Example Sentence 1: My business partner and I have been working together for over 10 years.


Example Sentence 2: The two dancers moved in perfect synchronization, showing their strong partnership on stage.



- Partner

- Companion

- Collaborator

- Teammate


In Chinese, "搭档" refers to a partner or companion who works together with someone else towards a common goal. It can be used in various contexts and has similar meanings to words like "partner" and "companion" in English.

2. 用英语怎么说 (yòng yīng yǔ zěn me shuō)

Meaning: How to say something in English.

Pronunciation: /haʊ tuː seɪ sʌmθɪŋ ɪn ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ/

Usage: This phrase is often used when someone wants to know the English translation or equivalent of a word or phrase in another language.

Example Sentence 1: Can you tell me how to say "早上好" in English?


Example Sentence 2: I'm learning Chinese, can you teach me how to say "I love you" in Chinese?



- Translate

- Convert

- Interpret


"用英语怎么说" is a phrase used to ask for the English translation or equivalent of a word or phrase in another language. It has similar meanings to words like "translate" and "convert".

3. 怎么读 (zěn me dú)

Meaning: How to pronounce something.

Pronunciation: /haʊ tuː prəˈnaʊns sʌmθɪŋ/

Usage: This phrase is often used when someone wants to know the correct pronunciation of a word or phrase.

Example Sentence 1: I don't know how to read this word, can you tell me how to read it?


Example Sentence 2: The teacher asked the students to read the passage out loud.



- Pronounce

- Articulate

- Enunciate


"怎么读" is a phrase used to ask for the correct pronunciation of a word or phrase. It has similar meanings to words like "pronounce", "articulate", and "enunciate".

4. 单词 (dān cí)

Meaning: A word.

Pronunciation: /wɜːrd/

Usage: This term is used to refer to a unit of language that has a specific meaning and can be spoken or written.

Example Sentence 1: I learned 10 new words today.


Example Sentence 2: Can you spell this word for me?



- Vocabulary

- Term

- Lexicon


"单词" refers to a unit of language with a specific meaning, similar to words like "vocabulary" and "term" in English.

5. 句子 (jù zǐ)

Meaning: A sentence.

Pronunciation: /ˈsen.təns/

Usage: This term is used to refer to a group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea.

Example Sentence 1: She wrote a beautiful sentence on the board.


Example Sentence 2: Please make sentences using these new vocabulary words.



- Phrase

- Expression

- Statement


"句子" refers to a group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea, similar to words like "phrase" and "expression".

Editor's Summary:

In this article, we have discussed the meanings, pronunciations, usages, example sentences, synonyms, and summaries for the Chinese words "搭档", "用英语怎么说", "怎么读", "单词", and "句子". These terms are commonly used in daily conversations and can help learners of Chinese to expand their vocabulary and improve their language skills. Remember to practice using these words in different contexts to fully understand their meanings and usage.


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